Welcome to:

Container Mission International


Enlisting over 100 organizations (Churches, Schools, Businesses and Military Bases) each year to:

Use ISO ocean shipping containers to better the lives and communities around the world. 

How Does It Work?

Container Mission International accepts applications for container mission relief projects and after reviewing the application for mission ministry we then set your organization up for a specific: country/city/organization location to donate to. We will work with your organization (church, business, military base, school, etc.) to develop a list of items we request your organization donate (examples: medical supplies, old beds, canned food, water, clothing, tools, etc) and place in the container to be used on projects such as:

Clinics, housing units, church plants, etc around the world in places like Haiti, Africa, South America, American Wounded Veteran Housing, Homeless Shelters, Re-training Venues, Education Centers, Small Churches Development, Expansion of Church Youth Programs, Student Living Centers,

Neighborhood Projects of organizations or churches.

  Who Are We:

A "Non-Profit" [501(c)(3)] pending with the IRS. We are a collection of volunteers and a Building Company that uses its experience, expertise and excess proceeds to better the lives of people around the world. Our desire is to minister and reach around the world similar to Franklin Graham's Christmas "shoes boxes" for children. The only difference is our boxes are "On Steroids"  it is a ISBU-heavy duty super steel container that is tornado, hurricane, earthquake and fire resistant. These containers and Container Mission International units are built for delivering items for every disaster, every mission of love, and to show the love of Christ around the world.

How Can I Help As An Organization

(church, youth group, business, military base, school, etc)?

We would love to have you, your church, your youth group, your business, your school, or your military base and chaplain or pastors get involved and informed. We ask that you take one container a year and raise the support and supplies to ship the container to its final destination country. The other organizations will receive the container and will use the supplies and ready the container to be used as a building platform for housing, schools, churches, clinics, etc.

We would love for youth groups, singles and youth adults around the USA to take on a project 

then fly as a small group to the final destination,

meet up with the containers and communities 

then erect the buildings and build a community of love.


Please email us or call for more information.


 Kenny for information, applications and partnering with Container Missions International. 

Email and Phone

For any information or to get a container set up for donations at your organization

(church, business, military base, school, etc.)  


512-557-1211 cell

Check our our partnership website and if you need to purchase containers click on the link below

Articles and sites to preview samples of 

Container Missions World Wide